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Open Access Charges

The Commission vide order dtd. 26th March, 2018 passed open access charges effective from 01st April, 2018-

I. Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Co. Ltd.

P. No. 66/2017(T) ]

II. Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Co. Ltd

[P. No. 67/2017(T) ]

III. Chhattisgarh State Load Despatch Centre

[P. No. 68/2017(T)]

IV. Chhattisgarh State Power Generation Co. Ltd.

[P. No. 69/2017(T) ]



(a) Transmission Charges

The long-term and medium-term open access customers including CSPDCL shall be required to pay the Annual Transmission Charges approved by the Commission. Bills shall be raised for Transmission Charge on monthly basis by the STU (CSPTCL), and payments shall be made by the beneficiaries and long-term and medium-term open access customers directly to the CSPTCL. These monthly charges shall be shared by the long-term open access customers and medium-term open access customers as per allotted capacity proportionately. The monthly transmission charge is Rs. 80.29 Crore. For short-term open access customer: Rs. 349/MWh (or Rs. 0.3492 per kWh) for the energy computed as per the provisions made in Regulation 33 of the CSERC (Connectivity and Intra State Open access) Regulations, 2011 and its subsequent amendment(s)/revision, if any, at 100% Load Factor for transmission. The same charges shall be applicable for both collective and bilateral transactions at the point or points of injection.

(b) Energy losses for transmission

Transmission Losses of 3.22% for the energy scheduled for transmission at the point or points of injection shall be recoverable from open access customers.

(c) Wheeling Charges

For long-term, medium-term and short-term open access customer: Rs. 254/MWh (or Rs. 0.254 per kWh) for the energy computed as per the provisions made in Regulation 33 of the CSERC (Connectivity and Intra State Open access) Regulations, 2011 and its subsequent amendment(s)/revision, if any, at 100% load factor for wheeling. The same charges shall be applicable for both collective and bilateral transactions at the point of injection.

(d) Energy losses for distribution

Distribution Losses of 6 % for the energy scheduled for distribution at the point or points of injection at 33 kV side of 33/11 kV sub-station shall be recoverable from open access customers.

(e) Operating Charges

The short-term open access customer shall pay the Operating Charges to SLDC at the rate of Rs. 2000 per day.

(f) Reactive Energy Charges

Reactive Energy Charges shall be levied at the rate of 27 paise/kVARh.

(g) Cross Subsidy Surcharge

i. For 220 kV/132 kV consumers Rs. 1.23 per kWh (which is 90% of the computed value of Rs. 1.37 per kWh).

ii. For 33 kV consumers Rs. 1.49 per kWh (which is 90% of the computed value of Rs. 1.65 per kWh).

(h) Stand by charges

The Standby Charges for consumers availing open access (using transmission and/or distribution system of Licensee) and who draw power from the grid up to the contracted capacity of open access during the outage of generating plant/CPP shall be 1.5 times of the per kWh weighted average tariff of HV consumers, which is Rs. 11.06 per kWh (1.5 times of the average billing rate of Rs.7.38 per kWh). For drawal of power in excess of the contracted capacity of open access, the tariff for availing standby support from the grid shall be two times of the per unit weighted average tariff of HV consumers, which is Rs. 14.75 per kWh (2 times of the average billing rate of Rs. 7.38 per kWh). Further, in case of outage of CPP supplying power to captive/non-captive consumer who has reduced its contract demand to zero and also availed open access draws power of CSPDCL, then billing of such power drawn shall be done as per the standby charges mentioned above.

2.Intra-State Open Access Charges for renewable energy transactions

a) Transmission Charges in cash for long-term/medium-term/short-term open access - NIL

b) Wheeling Charges in cash for long-term/medium-term/short-term open access - NIL

c) SLDC Charges (Operating Charges) for long-term/medium-term/short-term open access - NIL

d) Total Transmission Charges or Wheeling Charges or Combination thereof in kind (energy losses) for long-term/medium-term/short-term open access - 6%

e) Cross-Subsidy Surcharge - i. A consumer availing open access is required to pay the cross-subsidy

i. A consumer availing open access is required to pay the cross-subsidy surcharge.

ii. In case a generating company is an open access customer and is supplying power to a consumer of the State, the liability of paying cross-subsidy surcharge shall be on the consumer. If a captive generating plant avails open access for supplying power to its captive users, and if the captive users do not fulfil the requirement of captive users in a financial year as prescribed in the

Electricity Rules, 2005, then that end user/s shall be liable to pay the Cross- Subsidy Surcharge.

iii. The Cross Subsidy Surcharge payable is 50% of the Cross Subsidy Surcharge determined for that year, which is as under:

a) For 220 kV/132 kV consumers Rs. 0.69 per kWh (which is 50% of the computed value of Rs. 1.37 per kWh).

b) For 33 kV consumers Rs. 0.83 per kWh (which is 50% of the computed value of Rs. 1.65 per kWh).

iv. In case of a consumer receiving power from biomass based power generating plants through open access, if it is established that the biomass based power generating plants supplying power to such consumer has used biomass in the lesser ratio than as mentioned in the guidelines of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy during any financial year, then the relaxations at (iii) above given to the open access consumer shall be treated as withdrawn for that financial year and the biomass generator shall be liable to pay to CSPDCL full Cross Subsidy Surcharge.